Custodian Responsibilities

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Sec. 3. (a) A person who has charge of the collection, custody, and disbursement of funds collected and expended to pay expenses incurred in conducting any athletic, social, or other school function, the cost of which is not paid from public funds, shall:

(1) keep an accurate account of all money received and expended, showing the:

(A) sources of all receipts;

(B) purposes for which the money was expended; and

(C) balance on hand; and

(2) file a copy of the account with the township trustee, board of school trustees, or board of school commissioners within two (2) weeks after the close of each school year.

(b) An account filed under subsection (a)(2) is a public record open to inspection by any interested person at any reasonable time during office hours.

[Pre-2006 Recodification Citation: 21-4-23-1.]

As added by P.L.2-2006, SEC.164.

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