Use of Money; Curricular Material

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Sec. 7. (a) Money in the fund may be used for payment of all unreimbursed costs of curricular materials for the school corporation's students who were eligible for free or reduced lunches in the previous school year.

(b) Money in the fund may not be used for payment of debt service, lease payments, or similar obligations for a controlled project that is approved by the voters in a referendum under IC 6-1.1-20.

(c) The governing body may transfer the amount levied to cover unreimbursed costs of curricular materials under this section to the curricular materials rental fund, the extracurricular account, or the education fund.

[Pre-2006 Recodification Citations: subsection (a) formerly 21-2-4-2(7); subsection (b) formerly 21-2-4-2 part.]

As added by P.L.2-2006, SEC.163. Amended by P.L.286-2013, SEC.118; P.L.244-2017, SEC.81; P.L.140-2018, SEC.14.

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