Effect of Suspension or Expulsion on Compulsory Attendance Laws

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Sec. 31. (a) If a student is suspended from school or from any educational function under this chapter, the student's absence from school because of the suspension is not a violation of:

(1) IC 20-33-2; or

(2) any other statute relating to compulsory school attendance.

(b) If a student is expelled from school or from any educational function under this chapter, the student's absence from school because of the expulsion is a violation of IC 20-33-2 or any other statute relating to compulsory school attendance if the student may enroll in:

(1) an alternative education program in the county or in a county immediately adjacent to the county containing the school corporation from which the student was expelled; or

(2) a virtual charter school;

during the student's expulsion. In the event an alternative education program or virtual charter school is not available for a student to attend under this subsection, the student's expulsion is not a violation of IC 20-33-2 or any other statute relating to compulsory school attendance.

[Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-8.1-5.1-24.]

As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.17. Amended by P.L.94-2019, SEC.4; P.L.133-2020, SEC.4.

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