Special Schools

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Sec. 29. (a) As used in this section, "special school" includes the following:

(1) A career and technical education school.

(2) A special education school or program.

(3) An alternative school or program.

(b) To the extent possible, this chapter applies to a special school.

(c) The governing body of a special school may make necessary modifications to the responsibilities of school personnel under this chapter to accommodate the administrative structure of a special school.

(d) In addition to a disciplinary action imposed by a special school, the principal of the school where a student is enrolled may without additional procedures adopt a disciplinary action or decision of a special school as a disciplinary action of the school corporation.

[Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-8.1-5.1-22.]

As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.17. Amended by P.L.234-2007, SEC.119.

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