Suspension Pending Expulsion Decision

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Sec. 23. The superintendent or the person designated by the superintendent under section 19(a) of this chapter may continue suspension of a student for more than the ten (10) school day period of the principal's suspension and until the time of the expulsion decision under section 19 of this chapter if the superintendent or the designated person determines that the student's continued suspension will prevent or substantially reduce the risk of:

(1) interference with an educational function or school purposes; or

(2) a physical injury to the student, other students, school employees, or visitors to the school.

However, a student may not be suspended from school pending a meeting on a student's proposed expulsion if the expulsion is ordered under section 17 of this chapter.

[Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-8.1-5.1-16.]

As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.17.

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