Establish Compilation of Longitudinal Data; Internet Dashboard; Posting Data on School's Internet Web Site; Custom Indicators

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Sec. 5.5. (a) Not later than July 1, 2024, the state board shall do the following:

(1) Establish a compilation of longitudinal data indicating school performance success in various selected and enumerated program areas.

(2) Present the data described in subdivision (1) for each school in a manner that:

(A) can be conveniently and easily accessed from a single web page on the state board's Internet web site; and

(B) is commonly known as an Internet dashboard.

(b) The dashboard must include the following:

(1) Indicators of student performance in elementary school, including schools for grades 6 through 8, and high school.

(2) The school's graduation rate, as applicable.

(3) The percentage of high school graduates who earned college credit before graduating, as applicable.

(4) The pass rate of the statewide assessment program tests (as defined in IC 20-32-2-2.3), as applicable.

(5) The growth data of the statewide assessment program tests (as defined in IC 20-32-2-2.3), as applicable.

(6) The attendance rate.

(7) State, national, and international comparisons for the indicators, if applicable.

(c) The dashboard may include any other data indicating school performance success that the state board determines is relevant.

(d) Each school shall post on a web page maintained on the school's Internet web site the exact same data and in a similar format as the data presented for the school on the state board's Internet web site. However, the school may include custom indicators on the web page described in this subsection.

As added by P.L.211-2021, SEC.23.

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