Establishment of Categories or Designation of School Performance; Replacement of Existing Categories or Designations; Basis for New Categories or Designations

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Sec. 5.4. (a) Not later than November 15, 2013, the state board shall establish new categories or designations of school performance under the requirements of this chapter to replace 511 IAC 6.2-6. The new standards of assessing school performance:

(1) must be based on a measurement of individual student academic performance and growth to proficiency; and

(2) may not be based on a measurement of student performance or growth compared with peers.

511 IAC 6.2-6 is void on the effective date of the emergency or final rules adopted under this section.

(b) After July 1, 2013, the state board:

(1) shall adopt rules under IC 4-22-2; and

(2) may adopt emergency rules in the manner provided in IC 4-22-2-37.1;

to implement this chapter.

(c) An emergency rule adopted under subsection (b) expires on the earlier of:

(1) November 15, 2014; or

(2) the effective date of a rule that establishes categories or designations of school improvement described in this section and supersedes the emergency rule.

(d) Before beginning the rulemaking process to establish new categories or designations of school improvement, the state board shall report to the general assembly the proposed new categories or designations in an electronic format under IC 5-14-6.

As added by P.L.2-2014, SEC.88.

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