Alternative Accountability System for Adult High Schools

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Sec. 5.2. (a) The state board shall establish an alternative accountability system to assess the performance of an adult high school. The system shall:

(1) establish rigorous academic outcomes criteria;

(2) measure college and career readiness outcomes for each graduate;

(3) measure student accomplishments and success after graduation for a period of time as determined by the state board; and

(4) require that a substantial majority of graduates who receive waiver diplomas must also be on track to receive or have already received an industry certification that aligns with career pathways as recommended by the Indiana career council established by IC 22-4.5-9-3.

(b) An adult high school is subject to the alternative accountability system developed by the state board under subsection (a).

(c) All students, regardless of age, enrolled in an adult high school (as defined in IC 20-24-1-2.3) must be included and calculated under the same requirements, metrics, and goals established under the system developed by the board under subsection (a).

As added by P.L.2-2014, SEC.87. Amended by P.L.47-2014, SEC.8; P.L.251-2017, SEC.12.

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