Secondary Means of Assessing Performance

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Sec. 2. (a) In addition to scores on the statewide assessment program test and other assessments, the department shall use the performance indicators developed by the state board and the benchmarks and indicators of performance in each school corporation's annual performance report as a secondary means of assessing the performance of each school and school corporation.

(b) The department shall assess school performance in the following manner:

(1) Compare the academic performance and growth of the individual students in each school and each school corporation with the prior academic performance and growth of the individual students in the school or school corporation and not to the performance of other schools or school corporations.

(2) Compare the results in the annual report under IC 20-20-8 with the benchmarks and indicators of performance established in the plan for the same school.

(3) Compare the results for a school by comparing each student's results for each grade with the student's prior year results, with an adjustment for student mobility rate.

(4) Compare the results for a school with the state average and the ninety-fifth percentile level for all assessments and performance indicators.

[Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-10.2-5-2.]

As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.15. Amended by P.L.286-2013, SEC.102; P.L.213-2015, SEC.196; P.L.242-2017, SEC.30.

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