Statewide Assessment Scores; Other Methods of Measuring School Improvement

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Sec. 1. (a) The performance of a school's students on the statewide assessment program test and other criterion referenced benchmark assessments recommended by the department of education and approved by the state board are the primary and majority means of assessing a school's improvement. The state board may, and is encouraged to, incorporate social studies and science as indicators for assessing school improvement.

(b) The department of education shall examine and make recommendations to the state board concerning:

(1) performance indicators to be used as a secondary means of determining school progress;

(2) expected progress levels, continuous improvement measures, distributional performance levels, and absolute performance levels for schools; and

(3) an orderly transition from the performance based accreditation system to the assessment system set forth in this article.

(c) The department of education shall consider methods of measuring improvement and progress used in other states in developing recommendations under this section.

(d) The department of education may consider:

(1) the likelihood that a student may fail a graduation exam (before July 1, 2022) or fail to meet a postsecondary readiness competency established by the state board under IC 20-32-4-1.5(c) and require a graduation waiver under IC 20-32-4-4, IC 20-32-4-4.1, or IC 20-32-4-5; and

(2) remedial needs of students who are likely to require remedial work while the students attend a postsecondary educational institution or workforce training program;

when making recommendations under this section.

[Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-10.2-5-1.]

As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.15. Amended by P.L.268-2013, SEC.4; P.L.213-2015, SEC.195; P.L.242-2017, SEC.29; P.L.192-2018, SEC.23; P.L.211-2021, SEC.21.

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