Authorization; Approval of Courses

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Sec. 6. (a) Before June 30, 2018, the department shall establish:

(1) an authorization process for course providers; and

(2) a review process for approval of course access program courses, which must be aligned to Indiana academic standards.

This subsection expires June 30, 2021.

(b) Not later than June 30, 2021, the department shall implement the course access program in the manner prescribed by the state board. The state board shall establish:

(1) requirements:

(A) that a course provider must meet to be eligible for authorization by the department under this chapter;

(B) that a course access program course must meet to be eligible for approval by the department under this chapter; and

(C) for a course provider to appeal a decision by the department denying or revoking:

(i) authorization of a course provider; or

(ii) approval of a particular course access program course; and

(2) a period of time each calendar year in which the department shall accept applications for course provider authorization and approval of course access program courses.

(c) The department shall:

(1) register and authorize course providers;

(2) provide advertising for the course access program; and

(3) monitor course access program courses and course providers to ensure compliance with the terms of the course access program course's approval and course provider's authorization;

in accordance with requirements established by the state board.

(d) A course provider may apply for authorization or submit course access program courses for approval to the department in a manner prescribed by the state board during the time period established under subsection (b)(2).

(e) A school corporation may be authorized as a course provider if the school corporation meets requirements established by the state board to be eligible for authorization as a course provider under this chapter.

(f) Subject to section 7 of this chapter, if a course provider or course access program course meets the requirements established by the state board under subsection (b), the department shall authorize the course provider or approve the course access program course, whichever is applicable.

(g) If the department denies authorization to a course provider or denies approval of a course access program course of a course provider, the course provider may appeal the denial to the state board.

(h) A course provider authorized by the department shall ensure that each course access program course is accessible to students of all abilities, and may not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, or national origin.

(i) A course provider authorized by the department shall comply with the privacy provisions of federal law.

As added by P.L.80-2017, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.200-2021, SEC.2.

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