Factors Considered by Factfinder

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Sec. 8. In conducting hearings and investigations, the factfinder is not bound by IC 4-21.5. The factfinder shall, however, consider the following factors:

(1) Past memoranda of agreements and contracts between the parties.

(2) Comparisons of wages and hours of the employees involved with wages of other employees working for other public agencies and private concerns doing comparable work, giving consideration to factors peculiar to the school corporation.

(3) The public interest.

(4) The financial impact on the school corporation and whether any settlement will cause the school corporation to engage in deficit financing as described in IC 20-29-6-3.

[Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-7.5-1-13.]

As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.13. Amended by P.L.48-2011, SEC.29.

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