Findings and Recommendations of Factfinder; Distribution; Review

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Sec. 13.1. (a) The investigation, hearing, and findings of the factfinder must be:

(1) made as expeditiously as the circumstances allow; and

(2) delivered to the parties and to the board.

(b) The board, after receiving the findings and recommendations under subsection (a), may make additional findings and recommendations to the parties based upon information in the report or in the board's possession. The board may not make any recommendations to the parties related to any items not specifically identified in IC 20-29-6-4 and may not address items beyond those proposed by the parties in their last, best offers.

(c) The board:

(1) may, at any time within five (5) days; and

(2) shall, within ten (10) days;

after receiving the findings and recommendations delivered under subsection (a), make the findings and recommendations of the factfinder and the board's additional findings and recommendations, if any, available to the public through the news media and any other means.

As added by P.L.229-2011, SEC.185.

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