Appointment of Trustees to Manage Property Acquired by Gift or Bequest

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Sec. 8. (a) If the board of trustees or school commissioners of a corporation governed by sections 6 through 9 of this chapter desires:

(1) to appoint one (1) or more trustees to hold the title to any property, real or personal, acquired by the board or commissioners in the manner mentioned in sections 6 through 9 of this chapter, unless the wish and will of the donor or testator would be violated; and

(2) to invest the principal and pay over only the net interest, rents, issues, incomes, and profits of the fund to the school corporation for use as provided in sections 6 through 9 of this chapter;

the school corporation may name and appoint one (1) or more trustees and to vest in the trustees the title to the property, subject to trust and powers as the school corporation may impose, not inconsistent with the expressed wish or will of the donor or testator or this chapter applicable to the property if a transfer to a trustee has not been made.

(b) However, if:

(1) the managing board of the school corporation consists of less than three (3) persons; and

(2) the school corporation elects to have the property held and managed by trustees;

the corporation shall establish the terms of the trust and make the conveyance, and the judge of the circuit court of the county in which the school corporation is domiciled shall appoint at least three (3) trustees.

[Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-5-20-4.]

As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.10.

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