Eminent Domain; Offer of Reasonable Value to Owners Before Petition; Costs of Subsequent Action

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Sec. 16. Before the filing of the petition, the township trustee or school trustees, or a majority of them, may offer or tender to the owner or owners of the real estate an amount considered a reasonable value for the real estate. If the amount fixed by the appraisers or by the court later becomes the same or less than the amount tendered:

(1) the cause shall be prosecuted at the cost of the owner or owners of the real estate; and

(2) upon exception to the amount fixed by the appraisers, if the exceptor does not increase the amount of the appraisement and assessment, the action on the exception shall be at the cost of the exceptor.

If an amount has not been tendered by the township trustee or school trustees, or a majority of them, and an exception is not taken, the action shall be prosecuted at the cost of the petitioners.

[Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-5-23-4.]

As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.10.

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