Sale of Vacant or Unused School Building With More Than Two Hundred Thousand Square Feet

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Sec. 8. (a) This section applies to the sale of a vacant or unused school building with more than two hundred thousand (200,000) gross square feet under IC 36-1-11, as permitted by this chapter.

(b) In determining whether to accept a proposal to purchase and redevelop the school building and any adjacent property, the governing body must ensure that a charter school that is located within one (1) mile of the site to be redeveloped and has notified the governing body in writing of its interest in locating the charter school on the redeveloped site is provided with the opportunity to lease adequate facilities on the redeveloped site at fifty percent (50%) or less than the current market rate for the redeveloped property or a rate agreed upon by the parties.

(c) In the event that a charter school does not enter into a lease for the appropriate facilities as part of the initial development of the school building parcel, this section shall no longer be binding on the school corporation or the purchaser of the property, which shall not be required to make the space available for use by another charter school.

As added by P.L.270-2019, SEC.13.

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