School Materials for Children Detained in Juvenile Detention Facilities

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Sec. 38. (a) As used in this section, "juvenile detention facility" refers to the following:

(1) A juvenile detention facility under IC 31-31-8.

(2) A juvenile detention center under IC 31-31-9.

(3) A shelter care facility that is licensed to care for more than ten (10) children.

(b) As used in this section, "school materials" includes curricular materials and syllabi for a particular grade level or course. The term does not include hardware that will be consumed, accessed, or used by a single student during a semester or school year.

(c) If a child is or will be detained in a juvenile detention facility for more than seven (7) calendar days, the school corporation shall, upon request by the juvenile detention facility or the child's parent, provide to the juvenile detention facility the school materials for the grade level or courses in which the child is enrolled or would be enrolled if the child were not detained. The school corporation may provide the school materials in an electronic format.

(d) The school corporation shall, upon request by the juvenile detention facility or the child's parent, deliver to the juvenile detention facility the school materials described in subsection (c) at least once every seven (7) calendar days, excluding any days that are not student instructional days.

(e) Except for the assessment of rental fees for curricular materials under IC 20-26-12, the school corporation is responsible for any costs associated with preparing and delivering school materials under this section.

(f) The school corporation is not required to provide school materials that have been requested by a juvenile detention facility or the child's parent under this section if the:

(1) child is released from the juvenile detention facility; or

(2) juvenile detention facility or the child's parent requests that the school corporation no longer provide the school materials.

As added by P.L.94-2019, SEC.1.

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