Power and Purpose to Conduct Various Education Programs

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Sec. 1. (a) A school corporation shall conduct an educational program for all children who reside within the school corporation in kindergarten and in grades 1 through 12.

(b) A school corporation may:

(1) conduct an educational program for adults and children at least fourteen (14) years of age who do not attend a program described in subsection (a);

(2) provide instruction in vocational, industrial, or manual training;

(3) provide libraries for the schools of the school corporation;

(4) provide public libraries open and free for the use and benefit of the residents and taxpayers of the school corporation where permitted by law;

(5) provide vacation school and recreational programs;

(6) conduct other educational or other activities as are permitted or required to be performed by law by any school corporation; and

(7) provide a school age child care program that operates during periods when school is in session for students who are enrolled in a half-day kindergarten program.

(c) A school corporation shall develop a written policy that provides for:

(1) the implementation of a school age child care program for children who attend:

(A) preschool offered by the school corporation, if applicable; and

(B) kindergarten through grade 6;

that, at a minimum, operates after the school day and may include periods before school is in session or periods when school is not otherwise in session (commonly referred to as a latch key program) and is offered by the school corporation; or

(2) the availability of the school corporation's buildings or parts of the school corporation's buildings to conduct the type of program described in subdivision (1) by a nonprofit organization or a for-profit organization.

(d) The written policy required under subsection (c) must address compliance with certain standards of reasonable care for children served by a child care program offered under subsection (c), including:

(1) requiring the offering entity to acquire a particular amount of liability insurance; and

(2) establishing maximum adult to child ratios governing the overall supervision of the children served.

If a school corporation implements a child care program as described in subsection (c)(1) or enters into a contract with an entity described in subsection (c)(2) to provide a child care program, the school corporation may not assess a fee for the use of the building, and the contract between the school corporation and the entity providing the program must be in writing. However, the school corporation may assess a fee to reimburse the school corporation for providing security, maintenance, utilities, school personnel, or other costs directly attributable to the use of the building for the program. In addition, if a school corporation offers a child care program as described in subsection (c)(1), the school corporation may assess a fee to cover costs attributable to implementing the program.

(e) The powers under this section are purposes as well as powers.

[Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-5-2-1.2.]

As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.10. Amended by P.L.233-2015, SEC.97; P.L.82-2017, SEC.1.

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