Plan to Remedy Exceeding Cost Limitation

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Sec. 4. If a school corporation for any twelve (12) month period beginning on the first health plan issue or renewal date that occurs after December 31, 2011, spends in excess of the amount specified in section 3 of this chapter, the school corporation shall do the following:

(1) Not more than forty-five (45) days after the renewal date on which the school corporation is determined to be noncompliant with section 3 of this chapter, submit to the state personnel department a plan to achieve compliance.

(2) Twelve (12) months after the date a plan is submitted under subdivision (1), certify to the state personnel department the school corporation's compliance with section 3 of this chapter.

(3) If the school corporation fails to file the certification described in subdivision (2), beginning on the first renewal or expiration date of the school corporation's health plan after the twelve (12) month period described in subdivision (2) expires, elect to participate in the state employee health plan as provided in IC 5-10-8-6.7. to provide any school corporation employee health coverage.

A school corporation shall provide additional information, data, and documentation that is requested by the state personnel department to substantiate compliance with this section.

As added by P.L.200-2011, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.233-2015, SEC.174.

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