Required Inquiries by Schools of Coaching Candidates; Criminal History Check; Disclosures

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Sec. 9. (a) Before a school corporation, charter high school, or nonpublic high school with at least one (1) employee hires or allows an individual to coach an association recognized sport, the school corporation, charter high school, or nonpublic high school shall:

(1) ask the individual:

(A) whether the individual is or has been accredited by the association; and

(B) if the individual is or has been accredited by the association, whether the individual's accreditation has ever been suspended or revoked;

(2) request references from the individual;

(3) contact the references that the individual provides to the school corporation, charter school, or state accredited nonpublic high school; and

(4) contact the association to determine whether the individual's accreditation has ever been suspended or revoked.

(b) Before allowing an individual to be a volunteer coach, a school corporation, charter high school, or nonpublic high school with at least one (1) employee shall conduct an expanded criminal history check (as defined in IC 20-26-2-1.5) on the individual.

(c) Without conferring the rights of an employee on a volunteer coach, a school corporation, charter high school, or nonpublic high school with at least one (1) employee is subject to IC 22-5-3-1 regarding a volunteer coach, including the provisions for civil immunity regarding disclosures made about a volunteer coach.

As added by P.L.169-2019, SEC.3. Amended by P.L.92-2020, SEC.33.

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