Notification to Association of Teacher License Revocation or Suspension; Reporting to Association for Misconduct of Nonteaching or Volunteer Coaches; Revocation of Coaching Accreditation; Immunity

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Sec. 8. (a) The department shall notify the association of any license revocation or suspension involving a licensed teacher (as defined in IC 20-18-2-22) under IC 20-28-5-8 who:

(1) has:

(A) been convicted of an offense described in IC 20-28-5-8(c); or

(B) committed misconduct described in IC 20-28-5-7(1) or IC 20-28-5-7(2); and

(2) is also a coach accredited by the association.

(b) A school corporation, charter high school, or nonpublic high school with at least one (1) employee must report to the association, in a manner prescribed by the association, when a nonteaching or volunteer coach accredited by the association has been convicted of an offense described in IC 20-28-5-8(c).

(c) The association shall develop a rule, as soon as practicable, to suspend or revoke the coaching accreditation of a teacher who has been reported to the association under subsection (a) for committing misconduct described in IC 20-28-5-7(1) or IC 20-28-5-7(2).

(d) The association shall revoke the accreditation of any coach who has been convicted of an offense described in IC 20-28-5-8. The association may, after holding a hearing on the matter, reinstate the accreditation of an individual whose accreditation has been revoked by the association if the individual's conviction has been reversed, vacated, or set aside on appeal.

(e) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the association from revoking a coaching accreditation or otherwise imposing any other form of discipline for misconduct not described in IC 20-28-5-7(1), IC 20-28-5-7(2), or IC 20-28-5-8.

(f) The:

(1) association or its employees;

(2) department or its employees; or

(3) school corporation, charter high school, or nonpublic high school with at least one (1) employee or its employees;

are immune from civil liability for any act done or omitted under this section or section 9 of this chapter unless the action constitutes gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct.

As added by P.L.169-2019, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.142-2020, SEC.22.

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