Formula to Determine Six or Subsequent Year Graduation Rate

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Sec. 10.5. In the reporting year immediately following the determination of a cohort's five (5) year graduation rate under section 10.2 of this chapter and each subsequent reporting year, the department shall calculate a six (6) or subsequent year graduation rate for the cohort using the following formula:

STEP ONE: Determine the number determined under STEP TWO of the formula established in section 10.2 of this chapter.


(A) the number determined under STEP ONE; and

(B) the number of students in the cohort who have graduated during the current reporting year.


(A) the sum determined under STEP TWO; by

(B) the remainder determined under STEP THREE of the formula established in section 10(a) of this chapter.

As added by P.L.229-2007, SEC.6. Amended by P.L.159-2019, SEC.15.

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