Transfers; Students With Disabilities

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Sec. 7. (a) A school corporation may transfer a student with a physical, emotional, or mental disability to a transferee corporation that maintains special programs or facilities for children with the disability of the transferred student.

(b) A transferee corporation may refuse the transfer under subsection (a) by mailing a notice by certified mail to:

(1) the transferor corporation;

(2) the parents of the student; and

(3) the state board.

(c) If a transferee corporation refuses transfer under subsection (b), the state board shall determine the question of granting a transfer under the procedures set out in section 15 of this chapter.

[Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-8.1-6.1-4.]

As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.10.

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