State Tuition Support for Certain Students

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Sec. 31. (a) This section applies to a school corporation and to a charter school that enrolls a student who has legal settlement in another school corporation for the purpose of the student receiving services from a state accredited nonpublic alternative high school described in IC 20-31-4.1-2(c).

(b) A school corporation or a charter school is entitled to receive state tuition support for a student described in subsection (a) in an amount equal to:

(1) the amount received by the school corporation or charter school in which the student is enrolled for ADM purposes; or

(2) the amount received by the school corporation in which the student has legal settlement;

whichever is greater.

As added by P.L.65-2012, SEC.3. Amended by P.L.251-2017, SEC.4; P.L.92-2020, SEC.30; P.L.155-2020, SEC.8; P.L.32-2021, SEC.52.

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