School Attendance in Former School Corporation

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Sec. 30. (a) This section applies to a student who resided in a school corporation where the student had legal settlement for at least two (2) consecutive school years immediately before moving to an adjacent school corporation.

(b) A school corporation in which a student had legal settlement for at least two (2) consecutive years as described in subsection (a):

(1) shall allow the student to attend an appropriate school within the school corporation in which the student formerly resided;

(2) may not request the payment of transfer tuition for the student from the school corporation in which the student currently resides and has legal settlement or from the student's parent; and

(3) shall include the student in the school corporation's current ADM;

if the principal and superintendent in both school corporations jointly agree to enroll the student in the school.

(c) If a student enrolls under this section in a school described in subsection (b)(1), the student's parent must provide for the student's transportation to school.

(d) A student to whom this section applies may not enroll primarily for athletic reasons in a school in a school corporation in which the student does not have legal settlement. However, a decision to allow a student to enroll in a school corporation in which the student does not have legal settlement is not considered a determination that the student did not enroll primarily for athletic reasons.

As added by P.L.133-2008, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.205-2013, SEC.245.

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