Sec. 2. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), the legal settlement of a student is governed by the following provisions:
(1) If the student:
(A) is less than eighteen (18) years of age; or
(B) is at least eighteen (18) years of age but is not emancipated;
the legal settlement of the student is in the attendance area of the school corporation where the student's parents reside.
(2) If the student's mother and father, in a situation to which subdivision (1) otherwise applies, are divorced or separated, the legal settlement of the student is the school corporation whose attendance area contains the residence of the parent with whom the student is living, in the following situations:
(A) If a court order has not been made establishing the custody of the student.
(B) Except as provided in subdivision (3), if both parents have agreed on the parent or person with whom the student will live.
(C) If the parent granted custody of the student has abandoned the student.
In the event of a dispute between the parents of the student, or between the parents and a student at least eighteen (18) years of age, the legal settlement of the student shall be determined as otherwise provided in this section.
(3) If, in a situation in which subdivision (1) otherwise applies, the student's mother and father are divorced or separated, and if a court order grants the student's:
(A) mother;
(B) father; or
(C) both mother and father;
custody of the student, the legal settlement of the student is the school corporation whose attendance area contains the residence of the mother or father, as elected under section 2.5(a) of this chapter. If the custodial parent (or the student, if at least eighteen (18) years of age) does not make an election under section 2.5(a) of this chapter, the legal settlement of the student is the school corporation whose attendance area contains the residence of the parent granted physical custody by the court order.
(4) If the legal settlement of a student, in a situation to which subdivision (1) otherwise applies, cannot reasonably be determined and the student is being supported by, cared for by, and living with some other individual, the legal settlement of the student is in the attendance area of that individual's residence, except where the parents of the student are able to support the student but have placed the student in the home of another individual, or allowed the student to live with another individual, primarily for the purpose of attending school in the attendance area where the other individual resides. The school may, if the facts are in dispute, condition acceptance of the student's legal settlement on the appointment of that individual as legal guardian or custodian of the student, and the date of legal settlement will be fixed to coincide with the commencement of the proceedings for the appointment of a guardian or custodian. However, if a student does not reside with the student's parents because the student's parents are unable to support the child and the child is not residing with an individual other than a parent primarily to attend a particular school, the student's legal settlement is where the student resides, and the establishment of a legal guardianship may not be required by the school. In addition, a legal guardianship or custodianship established solely to attend school in a particular school corporation does not affect the determination of the legal settlement of the student under this chapter.
(5) If a student, to whom subdivision (1) would otherwise apply, is married and living with a spouse, the legal settlement of that student is in the attendance area of the school corporation where the student and the student's spouse reside.
(6) If the student's parents:
(A) are living outside the United States due to educational pursuits or a job assignment;
(B) do not maintain a permanent home in any school corporation in the United States; and
(C) have placed the student in the home of another individual;
the legal settlement of the student is in the attendance area where the other individual resides.
(7) If the student is emancipated, the legal settlement is the attendance area of the school corporation of the student's residence.
(8) If a student's legal settlement is changed after the student has begun attending school in a school corporation in any school year, the effective date of change may:
(A) at the election of:
(i) the parent;
(ii) the student, if the student is at least eighteen (18) years of age; or
(iii) a juvenile court conducting a proceeding under IC 31-34-20-5, IC 31-34-21-10, IC 31-37-19-26, or IC 31-37-20-6 (or IC 31-6-4-18.5 before its repeal);
be extended until the end of that semester; or
(B) at the discretion of the school, until the end of that school year.
However, that election, where a student has completed grade 11 in any school year, shall extend to the end of the following school year in grade 12.
(9) If a juvenile court has:
(A) made findings of fact concerning the legal settlement of a student under IC 31-34-20-5, IC 31-34-21-10, IC 31-37-19-26, or IC 31-37-20-6 (or IC 31-6-4-18.5 before its repeal); and
(B) jurisdiction over the student under IC 31-34 or IC 31-37;
the legal settlement of the student is the attendance area specified as the legal settlement in the latest findings of fact issued by the juvenile court.
(b) This subsection applies to a student described in IC 20-26-19-5. A student is considered, from the date that the parent (as defined in IC 20-26-19-3) of the student submits the application and documentation required under IC 20-26-19-5(2) until the date that the parent provides proof of residence by the date required under IC 20-26-19-7, to have legal settlement in the attendance area of the school corporation in which the parent:
(1) has submitted the application and documentation required under IC 20-26-19-5(2); and
(2) intends to reside.
[Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-8.1-6.1-1(a).]
As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.10. Amended by P.L.13-2006, SEC.2; P.L.38-2020, SEC.6.