Rules of Implementation and Enforcement; Award to Prevailing School Corporation

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Sec. 16. (a) The provisions to implement this chapter, including:

(1) the calculation of transfer tuition;

(2) the credits for state distribution; and

(3) the time in the year when requests for transfer must be filed;

shall be implemented by rules adopted by the state board.

(b) The state board shall adopt rules for the enforcement of the payment of transfer tuition. The enforcement may include withholding state support from the transferor corporation for the benefit of the transferee corporation, charging interest, penalties for late payment, and the costs of collection.

(c) If a school corporation prevails at the final adjudication of:

(1) an administrative proceeding under this chapter; or

(2) a lawsuit against a school corporation;

to compel payment of transfer tuition owed by the school corporation under this chapter, the administrative body or the court shall award to the prevailing party the transfer tuition owed, if any, plus reasonable attorney's fees and interest as provided by law.

[Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-8.1-6.1-11.]

As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.10.

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