"Residence", "Resides", and Comparable Terms

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Sec. 1. As used in this chapter with respect to legal settlement, transfers, and the payment of tuition, the words "residence", "resides", or other comparable language means a permanent and principal habitation that an individual uses for a home for a fixed or indefinite period, at which the individual remains when not called elsewhere for work, studies, recreation, or other temporary or special purpose. These terms are not synonymous with legal domicile. Except as provided in section 2(a)(3) of this chapter, where a court order grants an individual custody of a student, the residence of the student is where that individual resides.

[Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-8.1-6.1-1(b).]

As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.10. Amended by P.L.13-2006, SEC.1; P.L.38-2020, SEC.5.

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