Loss of Joint Program Teaching Jobs

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Sec. 7. (a) A teacher who loses the teacher's job in a joint program because of:

(1) a reduction in services;

(2) a reorganization;

(3) the discontinuance of the joint program; or

(4) a withdrawal in whole or in part of a participating school from the joint program;

shall be accorded the same rights that are provided under IC 20-35-5-11 for teachers from special education cooperatives.

(b) A teacher who:

(1) is employed in a joint program under this chapter;

(2) loses the teacher's job in the joint program as described in subsection (a); and

(3) subsequently is employed by a participating school corporation as described in subsection (a);

retains the rights and privileges under IC 20-28-6 through IC 20-28-10 that the teacher held at the time the teacher lost the job in the joint program as described in subdivision (2).

[Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-5-11-3.7.]

As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.10.

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