Federal Funds for Charter Schools; Department's Responsibilities

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Sec. 10. (a) The department shall carry out a program to identify all federal funds for which a charter school is eligible.

(b) The department shall apply for all federal funds that are available for charter schools and for which Indiana is eligible.

(c) Upon receiving notice under IC 20-24-3-10 from an authorizer that a charter has been approved, the department shall immediately inform the organizer of the organizer's potential eligibility for federal charter school start-up grants.

(d) The department shall distribute federal charter school start-up grants to eligible organizers in a timely manner according to the department's published guidelines for distributing the grants.

(e) The department shall compile a biannual report and submit the report to the state office of federal grants and procurement and to charter school organizers and authorizers. The report submitted under this subsection must contain the following information for grants distributed under this section:

(1) Beginning and end dates for each grant cycle.

(2) The dates on which:

(A) grant applications and requests for renewal were received; and

(B) grants were awarded.

(3) The amount of each grant awarded.

As added by P.L.169-2005, SEC.14. Amended by P.L.280-2013, SEC.44.

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