Disposition of Assets and Liabilities of Losing School Corporation; Allocation of School Tax Receipts and Amount to Be Paid by Acquiring School Corporation; Standards

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Sec. 12. (a) With respect to whether the disposition of the assets and liabilities of the losing school corporation, allocation of school tax receipts, and the amount to be paid by the acquiring school corporation is equitable, the court, subject to subsection (b), shall be satisfied that the annexing resolution conforms substantially to the following standards:

(1) The acquiring school corporation shall assume a part of all installments of principal and interest on any indebtedness of the losing school corporation (other than current obligations or temporary borrowing) that fall due after the end of the last calendar year in which the losing school corporation is entitled to receive current tax receipts from property tax levies on the property of the annexed territory. The part consists of the following:

(A) All installments relating to any indebtedness incurred in connection with the acquisition or construction of any building located in the annexed territory.

(B) A proportion of all installments relating to any other indebtedness that is the same proportion as the valuation of the real property in the annexed territory bears to the valuation of all the real property in the losing school corporation, as the indebtedness is assessed for general taxation immediately before annexation.

(2) The acquiring school corporation shall make the payments and assume the obligations provided for a school corporation acquiring territory or a building or buildings under IC 20-47-5.

(b) Standards under subsection (a) may not be applicable to the extent the losing school corporation and acquiring school corporation otherwise agree in a situation where all or a majority of the students in the annexed territory have been transferred from the losing school corporation to the acquiring school corporation for the five (5) school years immediately preceding the transfer. The agreement between school corporations may not prejudice the rights of bondholders or lessors whose rights against the losing school corporation and acquiring school corporation shall, upon enforcement, be allocated between the losing school corporation and acquiring school corporation in accordance with subsection (a)(1) and (a)(2).

[Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-4-4-7.]

As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.7. Amended by P.L.231-2005, SEC.21; P.L.2-2006, SEC.94.

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