Adoption of Plans for Governing Bodies of School Corporations

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Sec. 11. (a) Within sixty (60) days after the annexation takes place, the governing body of the acquiring school corporation and losing school corporation shall adopt a plan determining the manner in which the governing body shall be constituted. The plan shall be adopted in accordance with the requirements and procedures of IC 20-23-8, except as set out in subsection (b).

(b) The adoption of a plan by the governing body in accordance with IC 20-23-8-10 and its submission to the state board under IC 20-23-8-15 are the only procedures required when an existing plan is changed as follows:

(1) All governing body members are elected at large, and there are no governing body member residency districts.

(2) Governing body members are elected from governing body member residency districts, and the annexed territory is added to or deleted from one (1) or more districts.

(3) A governing body member is appointed from a given area or district, and the annexed territory is added to or deleted from one (1) or more districts or areas.

(4) A governing body member is elected solely by the voters in a school governing body member district, but the addition or deletion of the annexed territory to or from an existing district does not constitute a denial of equal protection of the laws.

If a school corporation elects or appoints members of its governing body both from a school governing body member district encompassing the entire school corporation and from smaller districts, the governing body of the acquiring school corporation shall add the annexed territory both to the district consisting of the entire school corporation and to one (1) or more smaller districts. In a comparable situation, the losing school corporation shall delete the annexed territory both from the district consisting of the entire school corporation and from any smaller district or districts. The change in the plan becomes effective upon its approval by the state board. The application of this subsection does not limit the initiation of, or further changes in, any plan under IC 20-23-8.

[Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-4-4-6.1.]

As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.7.

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