School Corporation Governing Body; Election Procedures

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Sec. 29.1. (a) This section applies to each school corporation.

(b) If a plan provides for election of members of the governing body, the members of the governing body shall be elected at a general election. Each candidate must file a petition of nomination in accordance with IC 3-8-2.5 that is signed by the candidate and by ten (10) registered voters residing within the boundaries of the community school corporation. The filing must be made within the time specified by IC 3-8-2.5-4.

(c) All nominations shall be listed for each office in the form prescribed by IC 3-11-2, but without party designation. Voting and tabulation of votes shall be conducted in the same manner as voting and tabulation in general elections are conducted. The precinct election boards serving in each county shall conduct the election for members of the governing body. If a school corporation is located in more than one (1) county, each county election board shall print the ballots required for voters in that county to vote for candidates for members of the governing body.

(d) If the plan provides that the members of the governing body shall be elected by all the voters of the community school corporation, candidates shall be placed on the ballot in the form prescribed by IC 3-11-2, without party designation. The candidates who receive the most votes are elected.

(e) If the plan provides that members of the governing body are to be elected from residence districts by all voters in the community school corporation, nominees for the governing body shall be placed on the ballot in the form prescribed by IC 3-11-2, by residence districts without party designation. The ballot must state the number of members to be voted on and the maximum number of members that may be elected from each residence district as provided in the plan. A ballot is not valid if more than the maximum number of members are voted on from a board member residence district. The candidates who receive the most votes are elected. However, if more than the maximum number that may be elected from a residence district are among those receiving the most votes, the candidates from the residence districts exceeding the maximum number who receive the fewest votes shall be eliminated in determining the candidates who are elected.

(f) If the plan provides that members of the governing body are to be elected from electoral districts solely by the voters of each district, nominees residing in each electoral district shall be placed on the ballot in the form prescribed by IC 3-11-2, without party designation. The ballot must state the number of members to be voted on from the electoral district. The candidates residing in the electoral district who receive the most votes are elected.

As added by P.L.179-2011, SEC.11.

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