Community School Corporations; Powers and Duties; Officers

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Sec. 26. (a) This section applies to each community school corporation.

(b) A community school corporation established under this chapter or IC 20-23-16-1 through IC 20-23-16-5, is a body corporate and politic. The corporation may:

(1) sue and be sued; and

(2) acquire, hold, and convey real and personal property necessary to the community school corporation's establishment and operation.

(c) A corporation has:

(1) all the powers, rights, duties, and obligations of the school cities of any class in which the school corporation would fall if it were organized as a school city; and

(2) the additional powers granted school corporations:

(A) in general; or

(B) school corporations in the population or other classifications in which the school corporation falls.

(d) The officers of the governing body are a:

(1) president;

(2) secretary;

(3) treasurer; and

(4) vice president, if the board of trustees consists of more than three (3) members.

[Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-4-1-26.1.]

As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.7. Amended by P.L.233-2015, SEC.59.

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