Employment Preference for Employees of Reorganized School Corporation

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Sec. 21.5. (a) This section applies to a proposed community school corporation reorganization approved by the:

(1) state board; and

(2) registered voters in the proposed community school corporation in an election held before July 1, 2020.

(b) A teacher who:

(1) is employed in a school corporation subject to this chapter;

(2) loses his or her job in the school corporation because of a reorganization under this chapter; and

(3) has received a rating of effective or highly effective on his or her most recent performance evaluation;

shall receive an employment preference over other candidates for the same vacant teaching position, for a period of not more than one (1) year after the teacher loses his or her job under subdivision (2), at the community school corporation created by a reorganization under this chapter. In order to qualify for a hiring preference for a vacant teaching position under this section, the teacher must meet the licensing or credential requirements necessary for the teacher to teach the particular grade or subject matter for that particular teaching position.

(c) This section expires July 1, 2023.

As added by P.L.155-2020, SEC.3.

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