Election of Members by District and At-Large; Petition of Nomination; Requirements

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Sec. 5. (a) The following apply to an election of members of the governing body of the school corporation under section 3.1(b) of this chapter:

(1) Each candidate must file a petition of nomination with the circuit court clerk not earlier than one hundred four (104) days and not later than seventy-four (74) days before the general election at which members are to be elected. The petition of nomination must include the following information:

(A) The name of the candidate.

(B) The candidate's residence address and the district in which the candidate resides.

(C) The signatures of at least twenty (20) registered voters residing within the school corporation district the candidate seeks to represent.

(D) A certification that the candidate meets the qualifications for candidacy imposed by this chapter.

(E) The school corporation district that the candidate seeks to represent.

(2) Only eligible voters residing in the school corporation district as provided in section 4.1 of this chapter may vote for a candidate to represent that school corporation district.

(3) One (1) candidate shall be elected for each school corporation district provided by section 4.1 of this chapter. The candidate elected for a school corporation district must reside within the boundaries of the school corporation district. The candidate elected as the member for a particular school corporation district is the candidate who, among all the candidates who reside within that school corporation district, receives the greatest number of votes from voters residing in that school corporation district.

(b) The following apply to an election of the members of the governing body of the school corporation under section 3.1(c) of this chapter:

(1) Each candidate must file a petition of nomination with the circuit court clerk not earlier than one hundred four (104) days and not later than seventy-four (74) days before the general election at which members are to be elected. The petition of nomination must include the following information:

(A) The name of the candidate.

(B) The candidate's residence address.

(C) The signatures of at least one hundred (100) registered voters residing within the school corporation.

(D) A certification that the candidate meets the qualifications for candidacy imposed by this chapter.

(E) The fact that the candidate seeks to be elected from the school corporation at large.

(2) Only eligible voters residing in the school corporation may vote for a candidate.

(3) Two (2) candidates shall be elected at large. The two (2) candidates who receive the greatest number of votes among all candidates running for an at-large seat are elected as members of the governing body.

As added by P.L.179-2011, SEC.31. Amended by P.L.219-2013, SEC.88; P.L.222-2015, SEC.6.

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