Metropolitan Board and School Districts; Powers and Duties

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Sec. 26. (a) A metropolitan board of education shall:

(1) make decisions pertaining to the general conduct of the schools, and these decisions shall be enforced and entered into the minutes recorded by the secretary of the board; and

(2) exercise powers previously exercised under the law, by or through:

(A) township trustees; and

(B) meetings or petitions of the township trustees of the county.

The offices of township trustee as far as the conduct of public schools is concerned are abolished as of noon on the day the metropolitan school district is created and comes into existence.

(b) The metropolitan superintendent of schools and other persons employed for administrative or supervisory duties may be considered to be supervisors of instruction and are eligible, subject to the rules adopted by the state board, to qualify for teaching units in accordance with law.

(c) The government of the common schools of a district is vested in the board. The board shall function with the authority, powers, privileges, duties, and obligations previously granted to or required of school cities and their governing boards regarding the:

(1) purchase of supplies;

(2) purchase and sale of:

(A) buildings;

(B) grounds; and

(C) equipment;

(3) erection of buildings;

(4) employment and dismissal of school personnel;

(5) insuring property and employees;

(6) making and executing of a budget;

(7) borrowing money; and

(8) paying the salaries and expenses of the employees;

as approved by the board.

(d) A board is a body corporate and politic by the name and style of "The Metropolitan School District of ________, Indiana" with the right to prosecute and defend suits and shall act as necessary to the proper administration of the common schools of the county.

(e) The school district shall:

(1) be vested with rights, titles, and interests of the district's predecessor township or town school corporations;

(2) assume, pay, and be liable for the:

(A) indebtedness;

(B) obligations;

(C) liabilities; and

(D) duties;

of the predecessor corporations from whatever source derived; and

(3) institute and defend suits arising out of the school district's:

(A) liabilities;

(B) obligations;

(C) duties; and

(D) rights;

assumed by a metropolitan school district.

(f) The treasurer, before entering upon the duties of the office, shall execute a bond to the acceptance of the county auditor. The bond may not be greater than the largest sum of money that will be in the possession of the treasurer at any one (1) time. The board of education may purchase the bond from a reliable surety company and pay for it out of the special school revenue of the metropolitan district.

(g) The powers set forth in this section shall not be considered as or construed to:

(1) limit the power and authority of a school board; or

(2) restrict or modify powers or authority granted by another law not in conflict with the provisions of this section.

[Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-4-8-21.]

As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.7. Amended by P.L.2-2006, SEC.102; P.L.233-2015, SEC.77.

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