Notice of Adoption of Concurrent Resolutions; Effective Date of Merger

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Sec. 6. (a) After the last concurrent resolution under section 5 of this chapter is adopted, notice of the adoption of the concurrent resolutions shall be given by stating:

(1) the substance of the concurrent resolutions;

(2) that the resolutions have been adopted; and

(3) that a right of remonstrance exists as provided in this chapter.

It is not necessary to set out the remonstrance provisions of the statute, but a general reference to the right of remonstrance with a reference to this chapter is sufficient.

(b) The notice under subsection (a) shall be made two (2) times, one (1) week apart:

(1) with each notice by publication:

(A) in two (2) daily newspapers, published in the English language and of general circulation in the county; or

(B) if there is only one (1) daily or weekly newspaper in the county, publication in that newspaper is sufficient; or

(2) with the first publication of notice in the newspaper or newspapers as provided in subdivision (1) and the second publication of notice:

(A) in accordance with IC 5-3-5; and

(B) on the official web sites of each school corporation subject to the merger.

(c) The merger shall take effect at the time provided in section 5 of this chapter unless, not more than thirty (30) days after the first publication of the notice under subsection (b)(1), a remonstrance is filed in the circuit or superior court of the county by registered voters equal in number to at least ten percent (10%) of the registered voters of a school corporation in the county.

[Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-4-19-3.]

As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.7. Amended by P.L.152-2021, SEC.30.

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