Duties of State Board

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Sec. 14. The state board shall do the following:

(1) Establish the educational goals of the state, developing standards and objectives for local school corporations.

(2) Assess the attainment of the established goals.

(3) Assure compliance with established standards and objectives.

(4) Coordinate with the commission for higher education (IC 21-18-1) and the department of workforce development (IC 22-4.1-2) to develop entrepreneurship education programs for elementary and secondary education, higher education, and individuals in the work force.

(5) Make recommendations to the governor and general assembly concerning the educational needs of the state, including financial needs.

(6) Provide for reviews to ensure the validity and reliability of the statewide assessment program.

[Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-1-1-7.]

As added by P.L.1-2005, SEC.3. Amended by P.L.172-2011, SEC.120; P.L.286-2013, SEC.12; P.L.242-2017, SEC.6.

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