Transfer of Powers, Duties, Agreements, Liabilities, Records, and Property From State Superintendent of Public Instruction to Secretary of Education

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Sec. 2. (a) On January 11, 2021, all powers, duties, agreements, and liabilities of the state superintendent of public instruction are transferred to the secretary of education, as the successor to the state superintendent of public instruction.

(b) On January 11, 2021, all records and property of the state superintendent of public instruction, including appropriations and other funds under the control or supervision of the state superintendent of public instruction, are transferred to the secretary of education, as the successor to the state superintendent of public instruction.

(c) After January 10, 2021, and except as provided under IC 20-26-15, a reference to the state superintendent of public instruction in a statute, rule, or other document is considered a reference to the secretary of education, as the successor to the state superintendent of public instruction.

(d) This section expires July 1, 2031.

As added by P.L.43-2021, SEC.42.

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