Organization of House of Representatives

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Sec. 7. (a) The Secretary of State shall preside at the organizational meeting during the election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

(b) The oath of office shall be administered to representatives-elect by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Indiana, or an associate justice designated by the Chief Justice.

(c) Subject to section 7.5 of this chapter, the Speaker shall be elected. The oath of office shall be administered to the Speaker of the House by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court or an associate justice designated by the Chief Justice.

(d) Upon being elected and taking the oath of office, the Speaker shall take the chair and conduct the further business of the House, including the election and swearing in of such other officers as may be determined by the standing rules and orders of the House of Representatives.

(e) In the event there is no Secretary of State or he is absent or unable to serve, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court or an associate justice designated by the Chief Justice shall preside during the election of the Speaker.

Formerly: Acts 1971, P.L.6, SEC.2. As amended by P.L.9-1995, SEC.2.

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