Equal Political Party Affiliation by House Members; Election of Speaker and Principal Clerk; Rules

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Sec. 7.5. (a) This section applies only if the number of members of the house of representatives affiliated with one (1) political party equals the number of members of the house of representatives affiliated with a different political party.

(b) For purposes of this section, an individual is considered to be affiliated with a political party if the individual was:

(1) the nominee (as defined in IC 3-5-2-33) of that political party for election to the office to which the individual was elected at the previous general election; or

(2) selected by that political party to fill a candidate vacancy or a vacancy in the office under IC 3-13 for the office the individual currently holds.

(c) The speaker of the house of representatives and the principal clerk of the house of representatives shall be elected by the members of the house of representatives affiliated with the political party whose:

(1) candidate was elected governor at the previous general election; or

(2) candidate was elected secretary of state at the previous general election, if the governor was not elected at the previous general election.

(d) The rules that governed the house of representatives before the previous general election shall govern the house of representatives after the general election until those rules are amended as provided in those rules.

As added by P.L.9-1995, SEC.3.

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