First Regular Technical Session

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Sec. 2.5. (a) This section does not apply in calendar year 2021.

(b) Before the first regular session adjourns sine die, the general assembly may adopt a concurrent resolution to fix a day to convene the first regular technical session of the general assembly. The day fixed under this subsection may not be earlier than thirty (30) days after the first regular session adjourns sine die.

(c) Only the following may be considered and acted upon during a first regular technical session:

(1) Bills enacted during the first regular session vetoed by the governor.

(2) Bills to correct conflicts among bills enacted during the first regular session.

(3) Bills to correct technical errors in bills enacted during the first regular session.

(d) The first regular technical session must adjourn sine die before midnight after it convenes.

(e) The concurrent resolution adopted under subsection (b) may provide that the first regular technical session is not required to convene if the speaker of the house of representatives and the president pro tempore of the senate jointly issue an order finding that the purposes for which a regular technical session may meet under subsection (c) do not justify the cost and inconvenience of meeting in a regular technical session.

(f) If the general assembly does not meet in a regular technical session under this section, the general assembly shall consider and act upon vetoes of bills enacted during the first regular session at the next second regular session.

(g) For purposes of Article 5, Section 14 of the Constitution of the State of Indiana, the first regular technical session is not considered a regular session if the general assembly does not consider or act upon vetoes of bills enacted during the first regular session under this section.

As added by P.L.4-1995, SEC.5. Amended by P.L.133-2021, SEC.3.

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