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Sec. 1. The following definitions apply throughout this chapter:

(1) "Bill" includes a bill and a joint resolution.

(2) "Term of the general assembly" means that two (2) year period of time extending from the first Wednesday after the first Monday in November of any even-numbered year until, but not including, the first Wednesday after the first Monday in November of the next even-numbered year.

(3) "Session" refers to any of the following:

(A) A regular session of the general assembly.

(B) A regular technical session of the general assembly.

(C) An emergency session of the general assembly convened under IC 2-2.1-1.2.

(D) A special session of the general assembly.

(4) "Special session" means that period of time during which the general assembly is convened in session upon the proclamation and call of the governor under Article 4, Section 9 of the Constitution of the State of Indiana.

Formerly: Acts 1971, P.L.6, SEC.2. As amended by P.L.4-1995, SEC.3; P.L.64-2021, SEC.2.

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