Report; Confidentiality; Data

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Sec. 8. (a) Before July 1 of each year, a local fetal-infant mortality review team shall submit a report to the state department that includes the following information:

(1) A summary of the data collected concerning the reviews conducted by the local fetal-infant mortality review team for the previous calendar year.

(2) Actions recommended by the local fetal-infant mortality review team to improve systems of care and community resources to reduce fetal deaths and infant deaths in the area served by the review team.

(3) Solutions proposed for any system inadequacies.

(b) The report described in subsection (a) may not contain identifying information relating to the deaths reviewed by the local fetal-infant mortality review team.

(c) Review data concerning a fetal death or an infant death is confidential and may not be released.

(d) The local fetal-infant mortality review team may provide the state department with data concerning the reviews of a death under this chapter.

As added by P.L.31-2019, SEC.5.

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