Statewide Fetal-Infant Mortality Review Coordinator

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Sec. 7. The state department shall employ a statewide fetal-infant mortality review coordinator to assist local fetal-infant mortality review teams and do the following:

(1) Establish local fetal-infant mortality review teams statewide.

(2) Act as a liaison between the statewide child fatality review committee and local fetal-infant mortality review teams.

(3) Create and provide forms, including a data collection form for the data described in section 8(d) of this chapter.

(4) Develop protocols for meetings of and case reviews conducted by local fetal-infant mortality review teams.

(5) Provide data collection tools that include collecting and storing the following information:

(A) Identifying and nonidentifying information.

(B) Information concerning the circumstances surrounding a fetal death or an infant death.

(C) Information concerning factors that contributed to a fetal death or an infant death.

(D) Information concerning findings and recommendations concerning a fetal death or infant death by the review team.

(6) Provide information on the prevention of fetal deaths and infant deaths.

(7) Obtain certificates of death and certificates of stillbirths for the review teams.

(8) Coordinate local or statewide training concerning a fetal death or infant death review under this chapter.

As added by P.L.31-2019, SEC.5.

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