State Child Fatality Review Coordinator; Employed by State Department of Health; Duties

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Sec. 1. The state department shall employ a state child fatality review coordinator to do the following:

(1) Assist the statewide child fatality review committee chairperson in establishing agendas for meetings of the statewide child fatality review committee.

(2) Coordinate information and materials for the meetings of the statewide child fatality review committee.

(3) Compile raw data for presentation to the statewide child fatality review committee.

(4) Contact the appropriate individuals if any issues with the electronic data collection system occur.

(5) Record information concerning child fatality reviews conducted by the statewide child fatality review committee in the electronic data collection system.

(6) Record and compile recommendations by the statewide child fatality review committee for the prevention of child fatalities and investigate available prevention resources.

(7) Work with the chairperson of the statewide child fatality review committee to prepare the annual report described in IC 16-49-4-11.

(8) Facilitate distribution of the annual report described in IC 16-49-4-11.

(9) Represent the state of Indiana at national meetings concerning child fatalities and child fatality reviews.

(10) Assist local child fatality review teams by:

(A) assisting with the establishment of local child fatality review teams;

(B) acting as a liaison between the statewide child fatality review committee and local child fatality review teams;

(C) creating and providing forms, including the data collection form described in section 2 of this chapter, for local child fatality review teams and the statewide child fatality review committee;

(D) developing protocols for meetings of and fatality reviews conducted by local child fatality review teams;

(E) providing data collection tools that include collecting and storing:

(i) identifying and nonidentifying information;

(ii) information concerning the circumstances surrounding the death of a child;

(iii) information concerning factors that contributed to the death of a child; and

(iv) information concerning findings and recommendations regarding the death of a child by the local child fatality review team;

(F) providing training on data collection and technical assistance for the electronic data collection system;

(G) providing information on the prevention of child fatalities; and

(H) obtaining death certificates for local child fatality review teams if necessary.

(11) Coordinate local or statewide training related to child fatality review.

(12) Maintain all confidentiality statements signed in accordance with IC 16-49-4-9.

(13) Attend meetings of the commission on improving the status of children in Indiana, established by IC 2-5-36-3, as requested by the chairperson of the commission.

As added by P.L.119-2013, SEC.3.

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