Local Child Fatality Review Teams; Additional Members

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Sec. 5. A local child fatality review team may have additional members from the following categories:

(1) A representative of a hospital located in the area served by the local child fatality review team.

(2) A representative from a juvenile or probate court in the area served by the local child fatality review team.

(3) Other representatives requested to serve as members by the:

(A) child fatality committee; or

(B) local child fatality review team.

(4) A representative from the department of natural resources who lives or works in the area served by the local child fatality review team.

(5) A representative from Prevent Child Abuse Indiana (an organization for the prevention of child abuse) who lives or works in the area served by the local child fatality review team.

(6) One (1) of the following:

(A) A court appointed special advocate who provides court appointed special advocate services in the area served by the local child fatality review team.

(B) A guardian ad litem who provides guardian ad litem services in the area served by the local child fatality review team.

As added by P.L.119-2013, SEC.3.

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