Local Child Fatality Review Teams; Membership; Required Members or Written Agreement; Pathologist Member or Agreement

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Sec. 4. (a) A local child fatality review team consists of the following members:

(1) The prosecuting attorney of the county or a representative of a prosecuting attorney from the area served by the local child fatality review team.

(2) A county coroner or a deputy coroner from the area served by the local child fatality review team.

(3) A representative from:

(A) a county health department established under IC 16-20-2;

(B) a health and hospital corporation established under IC 16-22-8; or

(C) a multiple county health department established under IC 16-20-3;

that is located in or serves the area served by the local child fatality review team.

(4) A representative from the department of child services.

(5) A representative of law enforcement from the area served by the local child fatality review team.

(6) A representative from a school district in the area served by the local child fatality review team.

(b) In addition to the members under subsection (a), a local child fatality review team shall:

(1) have as a member of the local child fatality review team:

(A) a pediatrician or family practice physician;

(B) a representative from an emergency medical services provider;

(C) a representative from a fire department or volunteer fire department (as defined in IC 36-8-12-2); and

(D) a mental health provider; or

(2) enter into a written agreement with another local child fatality review team for the provision of services, guidance, and expertise of a person listed in subdivision (1)(A) through (1)(D) who is a member of that local child fatality review team.

(c) In addition to the members under subsection (a), a local child fatality review team shall have:

(1) a member on the team who is a pathologist with forensic experience who is licensed to practice medicine in Indiana and who, if feasible, is certified by the American Board of Pathology in forensic pathology; or

(2) an agreement with a pathologist described in subdivision (1) for the provision of the pathologist's services and expertise, as needed by the local child fatality review team.

As added by P.L.119-2013, SEC.3.

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