Extermination and Destruction

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Sec. 4. (a) The:

(1) executive of a county, with the consent of the fiscal body of the county; and

(2) legislative body of a town or city;

whenever the executive or legislative body determines by resolution that it is necessary for the preservation of the public health or to prevent the spread of contagious or infectious disease communicable to humans, or when the executive or legislative body determines that it is necessary to prevent great damage to crops, grain, food, or other property, may appropriate money for the purchase of and may purchase poison, traps, and other materials for the purpose of eliminating and destroying rats in the county, town, or city.

(b) The county, town, or city may employ inspectors who shall prosecute the work of extermination and destruction under the direction of the executive or legislative body or the local health officer or board of health on both private and public property in the county, town, or city.

(c) The inspectors may when necessary to carry out this article do the following:

(1) Dig into the ground.

(2) Remove parts of floors, walls, or other parts of buildings or structures.

(3) Remove from one (1) place to another on the premises any other property when reasonably necessary to do so.

(d) The inspectors, after taking the necessary steps for the discovery and destruction of rats on any premises, shall restore the premises, as far as may be reasonably practicable, to the condition in which the premises were found.

[Pre-1993 Recodification Citation: 16-1-27-3.]

As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.24.

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